Sunday, 15 May 2011


Ann Moore spoke on how she thanked God that she was now rooted firmly in a church, and that Love helped her to make a decision to become a part of it. Ken Hammond had been searching for a church community for a while, and found himself at The Salvation Army - the last place he thought he would be. He spoke on how acceptance and support had meant a lot to him since starting to worship with us. Margaret Sloper spoke on how the spirit had worked in her and helped her to find love and acceptance through the corps. Joan Hammond, along with Ken, had been searching for a while for a church and thanked God for the place she has found within The Salvation Army. Roger Moore, married to Ann, spoke on how this was very much like coming home, his grandparents being Salvation Army Officers. Peter Andrews spoke on how he had been involved in the Anglican Church for many years and now found himself at the army, and proud to take his place as a member. He recalled how in fighting in the war was the first time he met the Salvation Army. Gerry Slessenger had moved to the area recently and looking for a church found him at the Army. Straight away he knew that this was his spiritual home. Sandra Matthews had attended the army some years ago, but recently after the sad death of her son, and the army making contact to support her and then conduct his funeral, she linked with us and made us her spiritual home. Many of the new adherents spoke of how the leadership had been a great support and encouragement and helped them to know that The Salvation Army was the place for them.

We thank God for them all, and we do our new leaders who have encouraged them so much.
Sunday 15th May has been a significant day in the life of this church. This morning we welcomed a packed hall of people coming to celebrate Jesus, and sharing in the welcoming of right new members (adherent-members of The Salvation Army) and two new leaders. Marion Daniels was commissioned as the adherent-membership officer, and spoke on how encouragement helped her to make her decision to take on this role; Jackie Fisher has been commissioned as the adult ministry officer. Captain Susan prayed a blessing over them as hands were laid on them as they were set apart for these roles. All the new members had chosen songs to share and these included:- Go tell it on the mountain; Lead us Heavenly Father lead us; Fairest Lord Jesus; Be Thou my Vision; Here is Love; Be still for the Presence of the Lord; In Christ alone. Captain Ian welcomed the new members and thanked God for each one. They were all presented with a card and gift and their certificate.
Majors Mark and Tracy Bearcroft, leaders of The Salvation Army at Brighton Congress Hall, led a great afternoon of music for our Friendship Club recently. Pictured here the majors in mid flow!