Tuesday 17 April 2012


Thursday evening at 7.30pm we host the divisional COME AND CELEBRATE meeting and our band will be playing, the Brighton Congress Hall Songsters will be singing. Our Divisional Commander will be the speaking. Do come and share in this event.

Saturday evening at 6pm we welcome the Chelmsford Songsters, a choir of Christian Musicians, for our monthly SATURDAY EVENT. We warmly invite you and your friends and family to come and not miss this event.


Horsham SA hosted a divisional basic fire training event today, presented by a facilitator from Chubb.

Monday 16 April 2012

Sunday 15th April 2012

The Worship Hall was packed again for a further Celebration. Around 150 people gathered, as we celebrated the conclusion of the EASTER EGG VENTURE, and in this our children were featured in singing a song and were presented with a thank you prize alongside the adults. Slides also captured some of what was featured that week. The whole meeting looked at LIFE and celebrated LIFE as we saw today in baby Luke, who was dedicated to God by his family, and supported by Captain Ian. Recognising the 'problems' that mum had after the birth this really was a very special celebration for all gathered. Songs today included:- Low in the grave He lay; O Joyful sound; God is here; My Life is in You, Lord; O Happy Day; In Christ Alone; Thine be The Glory. The singing group sang a prayer for Luke, and the band played I Love You Lord. We explored how Life teaches us:-
L: Live at peace with One another
I; I have been crucified with Christ
F; Forgive one another
E: Everlasting Life 

During concluding moments a number of people came forward to commit to making the most of the LIFE that they have been given.