Sunday 15 May 2011

Sunday 15th May has been a significant day in the life of this church. This morning we welcomed a packed hall of people coming to celebrate Jesus, and sharing in the welcoming of right new members (adherent-members of The Salvation Army) and two new leaders. Marion Daniels was commissioned as the adherent-membership officer, and spoke on how encouragement helped her to make her decision to take on this role; Jackie Fisher has been commissioned as the adult ministry officer. Captain Susan prayed a blessing over them as hands were laid on them as they were set apart for these roles. All the new members had chosen songs to share and these included:- Go tell it on the mountain; Lead us Heavenly Father lead us; Fairest Lord Jesus; Be Thou my Vision; Here is Love; Be still for the Presence of the Lord; In Christ alone. Captain Ian welcomed the new members and thanked God for each one. They were all presented with a card and gift and their certificate.

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