New Commissions for Michael and Shelley |
Celebration filled the packed hall again, for the welcome of five new adherent-members to the church. The focus of our meeting was THE OLD, OLD, STORY and Captain Ian sought to encourage people to bring that Story alive, so they could see the Living Story of Jesus in and through His people. That was reflected through Testimony, and our youth officer spoke about how she witnessed living faith and worship in the youth gathering for the youth rally last Sunday. Three of our youth attended this. Music today included Beneath the Cross of Jesus by our band, and Master speak by our singing group. Songs included:- Tell me the old, old story; I want to tell you; Everybody should know; Praise is Rising; Lord the Light of Your Love is shining; How deep the Fathers Love; I love You Lord; All Heaven Declares; Befriended; Blessed Assurance. Our new adeherent Members were welcomed, and shared their story, after which the Captain invited people to come to the Cross and celebrate their own story, or ask that God would enable them to live a living story among our communities, work and school. Many many people came forward.

Jenny and David Turner first came to our church after reading our story in the local paper; Mary Dececio first came to bring some items to sell; Peter Callum lives locally and felt called to our church; Louise Whiting came after noticing a difference in her daugher who started attending through an invitation from Grace Woodgate. There were a lot of living stories celebrated today.
During the meeting, Shelley Gallagher was commissioned as assistant music ministries officer for singing group and Michael Nye as the assistant corps sergeant major for organisation.