Friday, 28 May 2010
Two special events this week.... CHATT A BOX our parent and toddler group held a teddy bear's picnic as part of their session and then afterwards a good number stayed to enjoy a picnic together. KIDS ALIVE concluded this half term with a Cool Dudes Party - lots of games and food. This was attended by some new people, and quite a few were away as half term started early in a number of schools. However both events gave people a great time.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
A service of thanksgiving for the life and influence of Trish Reay will be held at our church on Tuesday 8th June at 2pm.
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Pentecost reflects a coming together of God;s People, and somethings amazing happening among them. This weekend we saw that reflected in so many different ways. It all started on Saturday when we held our Garden Party, attended by hundreds of people and raising just over £1000. Although financially is not why we did it, we wanted to very much invite people to come to us and meet with us - and they did. Some of them our new contacts through KIDS ALIVE and our other groups. Stalls, were married together with face painting, bouncy castles, side stalls, the firemen and police were there, as were musicians making together a band, which allowed for great music. There was also garden games that was enjoyed, and a treasure hunt and much more. Refreshments were also a major part of the event. The day concluded with a community songs of praise, which was led by our visitors for the weekend, Majors Anne and John Read. They stayed over and on the Sunday led our celebration meeting in the morning. Songs in this included:- Come on and Celebrate, Thou Christ of burning cleansing flame, Breath on me, The way its gonna be, I've felt a new and loving touch, Be still for the presence of the Lord, Love divine. SUNDAY FEAST followed which included a lovely roast meal and then a concluding time when the majors shared something of their lives and their current appointments. We are grateful to God for such a great weekend, and look forward to more of what God has in store for us. We are also grateful to Majors Read and others who worked so hard to make this weekend possible. 

It is with deep sadness that we write to inform you of the death of Trish Reay this morning at 1.30pm. We rejoice, though, in someone who knew Jesus as her Lord and Saviour, and who has gone home, to live with Him! Our love and prayers are for her family and friends at this time.
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