Saturday, 4 February 2012

We are sorry to announce the passing of ELSIE WOODLEY, who has been a part of the Crawley Salvation Army family for some time. We remember Gillian A and her family in our thoughts and prayers at this time. Further information will follow soon.
Councillor DAVID SHELDON, who is Chief Executive of Horsham Matters, came to speak to Friendship Club on the 4th February. The group continues to grow, with over 45 attending today - and many away!!!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Captain Lynne Clifton, the divisional youth officer, came and spoke at our Home League Meeting today, and helped us to explore youth and some of the challenges, and joys that face them today.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

We encourage everyone to attend TOGETHER, an extra gathering in february on the 19th at 6pm. We will be exploring what Prayer is and how to pray for others.
We invite you to attend the two session course GOD'S ARMY starting in March. Book now with the Captains


Sunday, 29 January 2012


The hall was full for the Celebration of the enrolement of Rebecca Burtonwood as a soldier of Jesus Christ in The Salvation Army. As part of our celebration, we were taken the to yellow brick road, and reminded of the fact that Dorothy kept her eyes on the destination! Yet things knocked her off track, and the children travelled on the yellow brick road from the point of where Rebecca would sign her articles of War, so her adventure begins, but along the way things were throwned which could have knocked the children off track from following the way of the Lord. The children were reminded that we needed to stay firm and strong on our journey. Songs today included:- In the Army of Jesus we've taken our stand; Follow, Follow I will follow Jesus (chorus); I have decided to follow Jesus; Guide me O thy great Jehovah; Lord I make a full surrender. Rebecca was enrolled as a soldier and signed her Covenant before the Cross. Our recuiting Sergeant, Don Jones, shaed some words of blessing and encouragement, and people came forward to pray their own prayers over Rebecca and to encouragement her on her journey. During times of prayer, many people came forward to renew their own covenant and commitment or to make some prayer before God about their own spiritual journey. Our prayer remains for Rebecca as she continues in her discipleship journey with Christ,.

Our newest soldier, Rebecca Burtonwood
Captains Ian and Susan Woodgate were invited to attend the Induction of the new Minister of the United Reformed Church in Horsham, with Slinford. The Reverend Elaine Dunn has moved to this area from Seaford, East Sussex. The service was led by the Moderator of the URC.
an amazing breakfast cooked by the ladies, eaten by the men was served yesterday at our first men's breakfast. Nine men enjoyed this time, after which David Turner gave a short talk and presentation on the Power of God's Word and how David is involved in spread this Word through the Gideons International.