Les and Marion Daniels |
The hall was buzzing today as a packed hall gathered together for worship. As every Sunday there was something special. Today we celebrated with Hayden Jannels and his football trophies. We celebrated too with those celebrating their birthdays. We celebrated too with Marion and Les Daniels, who wanted to mark their 25th wedding anniversary with a prayer of blessing on this special event. BUT we did more than that. MAD sang LEAN ON ME, and that was great. Various members of the corps prayed blessings on them, and we all had an opportunity of bringing our own words of blessing and love to the couple. Les and Marion also shared some words with their family. It was lovely to have so many of their family with us too. As part of this part of our meeting we sang Be Still and Know. Other songs today included:- O for a thousand tongues; Can you wonder?; Oh to see the Dawn; O love that wilt not let me go; What a fellowship, what a joy divine.
MAD sharing Lean on me. |
Captain Ian spoke from Ecclestasites looking at te importance of family, community and relationships. At the conclusion of the meeting many people came forward 'and gave Him back the life they owe'.
We thank God for all that He has done among us.
Our thoughts and prayers have been with our youth who after our meeting travelled to Tonbridge for the regional youth rally, and we have thought of our own Lieutenant involved with that as well.