Our beautiful Remembrance display, created by June Belcher |
REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Celebration and Worship saw again a very packed hall as people of all generations came and shared worship. Our central piece today, as depicted in the picture, was beautifully created by June Belcher. Thank you June. Captain Ian led our meeting, supported by his wife, Captain Susan. Songs included:- Praise is rising; Come, now is the time to worship; Dear Lord I do surrender; O God our help in ages past; I'm in His Hands; All the Jesus I surrender; Unto Thee O Saviour King. Captain Ian explored words from an old childrens programme - Record Breakers - Dedication is what you need (to be a record breaker) Our thoughts reminded us of DOC from John 15 - we need to be DEVOTED people, OBEDIENT people and know we are CHOSEN people. We recognised how that very much is the life that soldiers who have fought wars and continue to fight wars live for our freedom, and how for us to know Victorious lives, we need to apply such to our way of being. In moments of Remembrance a film clip was used with suitable music, and some shared prayers spoken. Following our time of reflection and remembrance the singing group sang He Sought me. We then shared in the Dedication to God of Zoe Whiting, dedicated by her mum Louise, and supported by dad, Dave. In the ceremony, conducted by Captain Ian, poems, prayers and a chorus was used. Captain Susan prayed a prayer of Dedication for the Family.
Dave, Louise and Zoe |
In concluding moments, Captain Ian invited people to come forward and before The Cross, to spend some moments thanking God for our freedom and for our lives; asking that God would take our surrendered lives and make something awesome out of them. Remembering too God who sent Jesus into this world, and the greatest sacrifice of all, there was opportunity for people to use bread and juice as a celebration of the love of Christ on which we could feast. Many many people came forward and stood before the cross in prayer and thanksgiving.
The Dedication Card created for us to be reminded of today |
We thank God for an amazing gathering together again, and pray a special blessing over the beautiful Whiting family today and of course into the days to come.