Sunday 3 January 2010

The Divisional Prayer Wave is launched this Friday at Gillingham, at 7pm. We have a mini bus available if people would like to go and support. The event will consist of some worship together, some opportunity to pray together for other Salvation Army corps and centres and other issues as made known., There will also be prayer zones available for those who find this helpful. For further information please contact Captains Susan or Ian

The Hopes and Fears of all the Years are met in Thee Tonight. The First Sunday in the new year started with a breakfast together, which was lovely to be able to share sometime in this way with those who were available. We then joined for our new year worship, led by Captains Ian and Susan, and looking at HOPE. Songs included:- Christians Awake, Prayer Gently Lifts me, Lord for the years, O Little Town of Bethlehem, In Christ alone my Hope is found.

Captain Susan got us all to consider the Hopes we have the year ahead and write them onto a leaf which would then be part of a tree of Hope we will develop. It explored how actually we turn over a new leaf in our lives, and with this trust God with those things on our hearts. Captain Ian looked at Colossians at the HOPE OF GLORY and the fact that Christ has come to be our Hope. Captain shared a little of the journey of his life and how despite so much that has been thrown his way through that journey, He has known without a doubt that there is HOPE and that Hope is found in Christ Alone. During concluding moments to pray and reflect many people moved forward to pray at the mercy seat, some also bringing their leaves to entrust to God that which they have already noted.

As always we concluded with refreshments - a good day shared together