Thursday 11 March 2010

Jackie Fisher recently attended the launch of the Divisional Prayer Wave and has given us this report:-

As I left work on Friday 29th January, a friend asked me ‘What are you doing this weekend?’ ‘I’m going to a prayer wave,’ I replied. ‘What’s a prayer wave?’ she asked. That was a good question.

To be honest, I had no idea myself what a prayer wave was, but anything that involves prayer has got to be good, hasn’t it? I was about to find out.

5 of us from Horsham set off to Gillingham in Kent to join others from the various Salvation Army Corps in the area for an evening of prayer. To some that probably sounds boring, but in reality it was a very enjoyable and uplifting experience.

The evening began and ended with a time of worship. In between we were encouraged to pray in various ways. There were a number displays around the room and we were encouraged to walk around and use them to help us to focus and to prompt our prayers. We were made to feel relaxed to do whatever felt comfortable to us. You could pray out loud or in silence, on your own or with a partner or in a group.

The displays reminded us of what is going on locally, across our country and across the world. We were encouraged to pray for those in the Corps within our own area, other Corps in this country and the work the Salvation Army is involved in throughout the world. There were some practical activities to aid our praying, such as pinning the names of people we felt drawn to pray for on a flag.

Was it worth going? Definitely! In this busy life we lead it’s never easy to find time to pray as much as we should. But when we do, God blesses both us and those we pray for. Will I be going again? Definitely! There is real power in prayer and it is an opportunity to come away from our busy lives and draw near to God and allow Him to use us. Next time, why don’t you come to?

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