Friday, 30 December 2011
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
It takes months of preparation, and our intention is always to make it the best day it can be - so that Christmas is Happy for so many more people. Again this year we have sought to do that and we trust we have been able too, brilliantly supported by so many of our own church leaders and members, and a brilliant team of volunteers who served as part of the team. The day starts with preparing the centre for the day and the drivers are out and about collecting people to bring them for registration at 10am. Margaret, our administrator is there to see everyone in, and an opportunity for refreshment sets everyone ready for the day ahead. At 11am our annual Family Celebration begins, and here not only our guests and volunteers for the day, but also our church family come together, and thus year our theme was STABLE FAMILY, concluding our advent series on STABLE MOMENTS. This fitted in well with the address which the Queen was to give later in the day on addressing the importance of Family. Our Captains led the celebration, which was attended by about 130 people of all ages. The children featured and spoke to Captain Sue about their gifts and they were given some more. They sang to us AWAY IN A MANGER and also We want to celebrate this Christmas. Other songs and carols included:- Ding, Dong Merrily on High; A Starry Night; Long time ago; Once in Royal David's City; Father God I wonder; Christians Awake. During the meeting, which was attended by many who would not normally attend Church, the Captain encouraged people to receive the Gospel this Christmas. Looking at Family, we explored how name and position does not matter; how money does not matter; how what we have done does not matter - we all have a place in the Family of God, and are invited to the Stable to meet with Jesus. In time of prayer and reflection many people came forward to celebrate their place within the Family of God, and placed their name on the FAMILY TREE. For some this was an important time as they recognised that they belonged and mattered to God and were very much a part of the Christmas story.
The tree where many people placed their names celebrating that they belong |
Some of the family then made their way home at the conclusion of our celebration or to meet with family, while everyone else stayed and we hope enjoyed the day. Tony the Magician returned and entertained people before we all sat down for our annual Christmas dinner which was served at 1.15pm. In all 141 meals were served, and three courses provided. Those attended varied from those who would be alone, to families struggling, to couples without family. Our table hosts entertained our guests and there was a booklet to work through to use the time wisely. After dinner a short time of looking through the quiz questions took place and then Captain Susan shared some music. After this we watched the Queens speech and during this a team were busy serving drinks and making up a bag of food for people to take home and enjoy for their tea. Once the queen had concluded, presents and other goodies were presented to our guests, before Captain Ian concluded the day by explaining that we do what we do because of our love for Jesus and His love for them and one another. Ian then prayed and our guests made their way home by 4pm, and the team then got the hall all cleaned up and all then went home feeling that we had done our best to make this the day it should be.
We cannot thank the team enough for all they did to make all this possible. We are so grateful, and we trust everyone really enjoyed their Christmas Day 2011. Some volunteers have already booked for next year!
Saturday, 24 December 2011
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Capturing a little of todays events |
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Captain Susan Woodgate |
CHRISTMAS EVE is always a busy time at the Salvation Army, and starts now - a further team will be preparing veg and other things towards Christmas Day meal, which this year will serve nearly 150 people (including our volunteer team). Others will be involved in collection donations from local stores, as offered, and contributed towards making Christmas Day all that much better for people throughout Crawley and Horsham.
Whatever you are doing, have a blessed day today. We do not await the birth of Christ tomorrow, for He has already been born into this world - but you may be awaiting the birth of Christ into your own world, your own life. If you have not yet received Him...... now is the day of Salvation. GOD loves you big time, let Him into the life that He created, and know what it is to truly know CHRISTmas - the presence of Christ - in your celebrations this year. It brings CHRISTmas all that much more alive.
Thursday, 22 December 2011
THE HOPE IN COMMUNITY SERVICES open on a Thursday evening to serve crisis food parcels, a listening ear, refreshments, clothing and toiletries to people as they have need. We do so for an eight week session. The project, now in its sixteen month as a revamp of the previous drop in centre, is seeing more people than ever calling on our services and provisions. Tonight, again many people journeyed to our centre, and there we trust found some Hope. The reason we do this - because of our faith - wanting to put our faith into action and not just talk words, but put meaning into words and do the action as well.
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
This year our parcel deliveries and Christmas Day meals will be bigger than ever - thats not a problem - God has and is supplying our every need. BUT we do want people to know there is still opportunity for us to provide parcels for people and also opportunity for people to register to come on Christmas Day. Contact us on 01403 254624.
Tuesday 20th December 2011
Today gave us an opportunity to come out from the busyness in our centre to share Jesus wider - and we did with the people of Kingsmead in Horsham, and Kerwin Court in Slinfold. In both places it was a blessing to see people joining in with us, and also seeing memories stirred. We thank GOD for this opportunity
Sunday, 18 December 2011
For the first time in two years our Carol Service was not hindered by the snow. Our hall was bursting, and we think 200 people must have been in our centre today. The service was mixed, starting with items from the band, our singing group, and Katy Kinsella who sang O Holy Night. Carols sang included:- Angels from the Realms of Glory; O Little Town of Bethlehem; See Him laying on a bed of hay. Our toddlers also featured and sang for us Here we go up to Bethlehem. Our offering collected over £200 for our Christmas Campaign, with money being used locally and internationally. Following from this, our children took the floor at presented to us STABLE MANNERS. This was the first time for many years that we have had enough children to be able to take part in such an event, and was lovely to see the children doing this, but also bringing with them parents and friends. There was literally no room left in our building for anyone.
At the conclusion Captain Ian thanked everyone who had been involved in this in some way, and espcially Kate Gregory, Barry Dowden, Karen Everest, Captain Susan, Simon Reay and the adult support as well. We are very blessed as a church. To conclude the carol service everyone stood to knock balloons around and sing the finale song WE GONNA CELEBRATE THIS CHRISTMAS, which was an amazing fitting end to this event.

Tea and coffee was enjoyed by lots of people, and while that was being served Father Christmas appeared and gave sweets and gifts to all the children and young people who were able to be us. We thank God for such a special event, and an opportunity to share the Gospel further.
We are so grateful for the amazing support we have had of our church members and friends in sharing The Gospel over this time, but also to the general public who have given amazingly financially and in food and gifts. We cannot thank you all enough.
Friendship Club
The final Friendship Club for 2011 was a pantomine - see the picture for our cast. You can see it was well presented, but that was the point of it. You see many do not know how alive the Christmas story is until we know who it is all about! We also had sometime set aside to thank the team for all they did to make Friendship Club and Friday Lunches the success they have been this year. This time last year we did not think it had a future.
Our centre was buzzing on Thursday and Friday for our annual Christmas Parties for CHATT-A-BOX, our parent and toddler groups. Craft and play started the event, followed by singing, led by Captain Sue. Then we had a special visitor, Father Christmas, who even joined in with the Hockey Cokey. He gave every child a gift, and afterwards we all sat and enjoyed special party food. It was a great time, enjoyed by all.
Thursday, 15 December 2011
AN ARMY OF PEOPLE gathered together this week to prepare 80 family food and toy parcels, to go out to local schools this past week. We thank GOD we are able to bless people in this way, because of the wonderful kindness of so many people within our church and the wider community. We now work towards preparaing parcels to go out Christmas Eve. Theres a special place for everyone to get involved. Thank you everyone.
Sunday, 11 December 2011
In readiness for our anniversary year next year, a special brochure has been put together and is now available. The brochure celebrates the life of our church today, and shows all we have to celebrate in our 125th year. We are grateful to those who have contributed towards it, as we are for the lovely comments about the brochure and how much our people are enjoying it. HOWEVER we want to share this with everyone, so if you could like a copy, contact us now. They are for sale at £3.50 each from our church office.
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Our Brochure now for sale |
It may be next year, but the event is a month away now, and we look forward to welcoming SALVATION BRASS as part of our 125 anniversary year celebrations. Tickets for the Saturday evening celebration are FREE, but you will need to get them in advance. Contact us now! Sunday Celebrations are at 10.30am and 3.30pm and there will be a Sunday Feast inbetween, as well as open air ministry. We pray for this event and that God will use it to bring Glory and Honour to Him.
We are pleased to inform you that Shelley Gallagher is (hopefully) returning home today! What a Miracle. Thank You Jesus. We pray continued strength and health for Shelley and also her family.
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Our New Flag |
Sunday 11th December 2011
The Third Sunday in Advent welcomed a full hall, as we focussed on STABLE RELATIONSHIPS. In this we celebrated the new life of Molly O'Grady, as she was dedicated to God by mum, Sarah and dad, Blake, in a special moment of our meeting. The full dedication had taken place some weeks ago at Nanas and Grandpas home, and now the O'gradys were able to share with the wider family this special event. Songs today included:- O Come all ye faithful, Born in a Stable, The Little Light of Mine, Light of the world you stepped down into darkness, Be near me Lord Jesus, Joy to the world. Captain Susan sang beautifully Mary did you Know? In his address, Ian explored Matthew 2 and the relationship we can have with God. During times of prayer people knelt or stood before God at the Mercy Seat. We thank GOD for another time of great fellowship, family and company.
Christmas Festival 2011
Every ticket was sold, and about 200 people filled our hall for our annual CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL. Carols were sang, accompanied by band and piano, and gave the gathered congregation opportunity to sing about the blessings of Christmas. Our band and singing group as ever gave so much to the event, and our children and youth were part of our 'finale' which talked about the Great Light. Some of our older members of the church also took part in this, and it was directed by Barry and Karen. Karen's daughter, Katy, sang Silent Night. Les Daniels read from the Scriptures. The Leechpool Primary School sang some great songs and reminded us through narration of the Gospel message and it was good to have them as part of our event again this year. Cameron Lonie, accompanied by Grandad Neville, presented some Clarinet solos which were very well received. Our corps officer team saw through the evening, which was attended by the High Sherriff of West Sussex and the Chairperson of Horsham District Council. An appeal was given, giving people opportunity to give towards our Christmas Campaign. £1000 was collected, and with tickets sales, the event made a profit of £1500, which will go to helping other people. We were blessed through so many parts of the evening, and in that too the time and commitment of those who took part. Thank you everyone for making this a very special event indeed.
Friday, 9 December 2011
We have been inundated with requests in regards to Shelley. Captain Susan has been to visit and reports that Shelley has now moved from ITCU to HD Unit at Redhill Hospital. Shelley was able to chat with Cpt for a period of time, which is great. We thank God for this strength to carry Shelley through - we have all been concerned. We continue though, to pray for Shelley, for Madeline, Jim and Luke, and the wider family as well.
Netta is now home we thank God for, and residing for a short period with her daughter.
Netta is now home we thank God for, and residing for a short period with her daughter.
Thursday, 8 December 2011
We are sorry to inform you that Ellen MacNaughton has passed away. Mac, as she was known, was only with us at Home League yesterday, but we understand had a fall after returning home and was taken into hospital and died shortly afterwards. We thank God for Mac and pray for her family at this time.
We are pleased to announce that we welcome LUKE GALLAGHER into our church family, and the life of Shelley, Jim, Madeline and the wider family. We pray for Shelley who has been far from well after the birth.
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Sunday 4th December 2011
We moved onto today to Stable Moments - Stable Diet. We looked today at John 1, and The Word which came and dwelt among us. Teaching from this passage presented our five essential that we need to feed on everyday. Songs today included: Great is the Darkness; Give thank to the Lord; Jesus Name above all names; We have a Gospel to Proclaim; Joyful, Joyful we adore Thee; Of all in earth and heaven; Guide me O Thou Great Jehovah. During this meeting we bid a farewell to Comfort who is returning to Ghana after time with family in this country. Comfort thanked us for being her family and being a blessing to her.
Together saw a great number of people gathering for an advent reflection, looking at Stable Moments - Stable Door,and we were encouraged to open that Stable Door to see what God wanted us to see. Songs included:- There's a star in the East; Lord I Lift Your Name on High; Praise is Rising; Great is the Lord and most worthy of Praise; Meekness and Majesty; The Stable Door. After sometime looking at Luke 2:1-20, we looked at how the world might see the stable, and how we might see it, We looked at Revelation 3:20 at how God longs for us to open the door to discover Him. Some moments were then given to reflect, to be still, to pray, to pray togethre and more. Some knelt at the mercy seat, other shared a love feast together - and so much more. God's Presence was known.
We thank Him for today with all our hearts.
Together saw a great number of people gathering for an advent reflection, looking at Stable Moments - Stable Door,and we were encouraged to open that Stable Door to see what God wanted us to see. Songs included:- There's a star in the East; Lord I Lift Your Name on High; Praise is Rising; Great is the Lord and most worthy of Praise; Meekness and Majesty; The Stable Door. After sometime looking at Luke 2:1-20, we looked at how the world might see the stable, and how we might see it, We looked at Revelation 3:20 at how God longs for us to open the door to discover Him. Some moments were then given to reflect, to be still, to pray, to pray togethre and more. Some knelt at the mercy seat, other shared a love feast together - and so much more. God's Presence was known.
We thank Him for today with all our hearts.
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Sunday 27th November
Advent Sunday was launched today, but then it was advent sunday. Our theme throughout this time is Stable Moments, and today we looked at a Stable Environment. Exploring the importance of creating the right environment so the right things can happen. During this meeting Ashley and Richard were enroled as Junior Soldiers of Jesus Christ in The Salvation Army. This was quite an emotional time. The children sang: I Love You as they signed their promises. Songs today included:- O Come,O Come Immanuel; Come, thou long expected Jesus; Give Thanks to the Lord; I am a Friend of God; O for a humbler walk with God; Hark the Glad Sound; Following this over 90 people enjoyed our annual advent dinner, arranged and cooked beautifully by Sandra Thomas. A enjoyable time was had by all, and we are so grateful for the way in which people gave of their time to enjoy this special celebration.
Saturday 26th November
THE WINTER WONDERLAND, our Christmas Fair, saw a packed hall from 11am-3pm, enjoying the various stalls and opportunity to be together. The event this year was arranged by Karen Everest and Barry Dowden. So many hours went into the event, and lots of people contributed lots of things. The various competitions were well entered this year. Father Christmas was well visited, and every stall did very well indeed. In fact over £3000 was raised, which is an amazing amount, and we are so grateful to everyone, and to God for blessing us in this way.
Sunday, 20 November 2011
In a full week again, Our Home League looked at Jesus the Light of the world; our ladies enjoyed a night out, which was in, with a film night, and again Jackie arranged a fantastic evening. Today Sunday Adventure enjoyed time swimming in Burgess Hill.
Sunday 20th November
Captain Susan led our worship meeting and opened The Word today, and as always the anointing of God's Spirit was upon her. Worship included songs, sharing the Psalms, meditation on a piece of music and slides (Come into our world) and more. The Sunday Challenge took us back to the days of blankety blank and we were encouraged to find the missing answer. BROKEN...... lives was the answer, and it launched us into our meetings reflection on Mending Broken Lives. Captain Susan took some time to thank those who this year supported her and Ian in the annual appeal, themed Mending Broken Lives. This year over £10.000 was raised through our church. Vida Lyne, Margaret Feist, Sheila Jannels, Tony Hockney and Anne Denyer all took major roles this year, and a small gift of thanks was given to them. In opening The Word, we looked at the reality that at times we avoid dealing with those things which can cause our brokenness, and using reflections from 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel, we looked at the difference ways in which King Saul and King David were prepared to face the problems, the enemines the realities in our lives. In time of prayer many people used the mercy seat to make their own prayers before God. Songs today included:- Praise to the Lord the Almighty; Give thanks to the Lord our God and King; Give Thanks with a grateful heart; Have Thine own way Lord; Beautiful Lord, wonderful Saviour; And Can it be?. We thank God for the awesome way He moved among us.
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Remembrance Sunday - 13th September 2011
Our beautiful Remembrance display, created by June Belcher |
REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Celebration and Worship saw again a very packed hall as people of all generations came and shared worship. Our central piece today, as depicted in the picture, was beautifully created by June Belcher. Thank you June. Captain Ian led our meeting, supported by his wife, Captain Susan. Songs included:- Praise is rising; Come, now is the time to worship; Dear Lord I do surrender; O God our help in ages past; I'm in His Hands; All the Jesus I surrender; Unto Thee O Saviour King. Captain Ian explored words from an old childrens programme - Record Breakers - Dedication is what you need (to be a record breaker) Our thoughts reminded us of DOC from John 15 - we need to be DEVOTED people, OBEDIENT people and know we are CHOSEN people. We recognised how that very much is the life that soldiers who have fought wars and continue to fight wars live for our freedom, and how for us to know Victorious lives, we need to apply such to our way of being. In moments of Remembrance a film clip was used with suitable music, and some shared prayers spoken. Following our time of reflection and remembrance the singing group sang He Sought me. We then shared in the Dedication to God of Zoe Whiting, dedicated by her mum Louise, and supported by dad, Dave. In the ceremony, conducted by Captain Ian, poems, prayers and a chorus was used. Captain Susan prayed a prayer of Dedication for the Family.
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Dave, Louise and Zoe |
In concluding moments, Captain Ian invited people to come forward and before The Cross, to spend some moments thanking God for our freedom and for our lives; asking that God would take our surrendered lives and make something awesome out of them. Remembering too God who sent Jesus into this world, and the greatest sacrifice of all, there was opportunity for people to use bread and juice as a celebration of the love of Christ on which we could feast. Many many people came forward and stood before the cross in prayer and thanksgiving.
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The Dedication Card created for us to be reminded of today |
Wednesday 9th November
Major Christine Clement, from International HQ, visited our Home League meeting this week, and looked at Birthdays.
Monday, 7 November 2011
Sunday 6th November
New Commissions for Michael and Shelley |
Jenny and David Turner first came to our church after reading our story in the local paper; Mary Dececio first came to bring some items to sell; Peter Callum lives locally and felt called to our church; Louise Whiting came after noticing a difference in her daugher who started attending through an invitation from Grace Woodgate. There were a lot of living stories celebrated today.
During the meeting, Shelley Gallagher was commissioned as assistant music ministries officer for singing group and Michael Nye as the assistant corps sergeant major for organisation.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Les and Marion Daniels |
MAD sharing Lean on me. |
We thank God for all that He has done among us.
Our thoughts and prayers have been with our youth who after our meeting travelled to Tonbridge for the regional youth rally, and we have thought of our own Lieutenant involved with that as well.
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Sunday, 16 October 2011
GROW UP was our focus this morning, led by Captain Ian. We look at Ephesians 4, and how Paul teaches us that we must not stand still, but move on. We explored this passage of Scripture and looked at:- Growing up is what we have to accept we have to do; Growing up is what we have to do; Growing up and how to do it, as Paul teaches us. As part of the meeting three members of the corps were welcomed into roles of responsibility. These were Don Jones as Recruiting Sergeant; Kosi Nkmo as music ministries sergeant; Victor Jannels as leader fo our music ministries. Songs included:- We Plough the Field; Sowing in the morning; Sing to the Lord wit all of our hearts; Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise is rising; Christ beautiful Christ; Reckon on me; All Praise to Thee. Our singing group sang His Provision and our band played Turned Your eyes upon Jesus. Two people came forward for prayer during our ministry time. Karen Everest led a great time of reflection and prayer looking at Praise and Worship.
Thursday, 13 October 2011
The Salvation Army's International Vision
ONE ARMY: We see a God-raised, Spirit-filled Army for the 21st century - convinced of our calling, moving forward together
We will
deepen our spiritual life
unite in prayer
identify and develop leaders
increase self-support and self-denial
ONE MISSION: Into the world of the hurting, broken, lonely, dispossessed and lost, reaching them in love by all means
We will
emphasise our integrated ministry
reach and involve youth and children
stand for and serve the marginalised
encourage innovation in mission
ONE MESSAGE: With the transforming message of Jesus, bringing freedom, hope and life
We will
communicate Christ unashamedly
reaffi rm our belief in transformation
evangelise and disciple eff ectively
provide quality teaching resources
ONE ARMY: We see a God-raised, Spirit-filled Army for the 21st century - convinced of our calling, moving forward together
We will
deepen our spiritual life
unite in prayer
identify and develop leaders
increase self-support and self-denial
ONE MISSION: Into the world of the hurting, broken, lonely, dispossessed and lost, reaching them in love by all means
We will
emphasise our integrated ministry
reach and involve youth and children
stand for and serve the marginalised
encourage innovation in mission
ONE MESSAGE: With the transforming message of Jesus, bringing freedom, hope and life
We will
communicate Christ unashamedly
reaffi rm our belief in transformation
evangelise and disciple eff ectively
provide quality teaching resources
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Local charities, organisations and heroes gathered together tonight in the Capital Theatre in Horsham, for the Community Awards with the County Times. The Salvation Army Band played music as the audience took their place, and host, theo cronin, piloted the evening through. Introducing the Charity of the Year, the sponsors of the award spoke of how proud they were of the award, and Mr Cronin spoke of how the paper valued the link between the charity and the paper and the annual christmas campaign that we run togethr. Of course, The Salvation Army received this award and Captain Susan, with other members stood alongside her to celebrate. This was a fantastic opportunity for the army to be able to be seen in the community as being alive and active and we Thank God for the opportunity that was afforded us in many ways., Our certifice and trophy will take pride of place at our centre, a standing reminder of the great body of people we have who work daily to ensure that Hope is known by all.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Saturday and Captains Ian and Susan conducted the Dedication of Molly-Lousie O'Grady, the daughter of Blake and Sarah, at the home of Nanna and Grandad in Tadley. This was a very special celebration
Sunday, our youth ministries officer Kate Gregory led our meeting, supported by our youth and young people. Our captains led the children's prizegiving weekend at The Salvation Army in Reading Central.
Sunday, our youth ministries officer Kate Gregory led our meeting, supported by our youth and young people. Our captains led the children's prizegiving weekend at The Salvation Army in Reading Central.
Monday, 3 October 2011
HARVEST CELEBRATIONS were led by the Birmingham Citadel Songsters of The Salvation Army. The hall was beautifully decorated by June Belcher, and helped set the excitement for the day. During the first song the children brought in their gifts of fruit and vegetables which added beautifully to the display. The hall was very full of church members and friends gathering together to worship, and we had a very special gathering together. Following this some of our own members and friends, with some from Birmingham, went into the local streets and while the band played, other knocked on doors to invite people to come back and enjoy the afternoon praise meeting. Some did indeed respond. 140 then shared together a Harvest Festival Meal and as the weather was so beautiful, we were able to serve many people in our garden seated. The afternoon praise meeting then followed, and it was another great meeting. Our own singing group was featured, and they also at the end unted with Birmingham musicians to sing a united song.
Thanks were expressed at the end of the weekend for the work of our own captains, alongside the rest of the team. We recognise June Belcher who sorted the billets, Sheila Jannels who sorted the welcome tea, Jackie Fisher who sorted the welcome meet and greet, Michael Nye who arranged so much of the weekend himself, Sandra Thomas who arranged the last tea, and all those in between.
Our gift day saw over £1600 gifted to support the mission of our own church and also 25% to be gifted to mission projects throughout the London South East Division. We thank God for this too.
Thanks were expressed at the end of the weekend for the work of our own captains, alongside the rest of the team. We recognise June Belcher who sorted the billets, Sheila Jannels who sorted the welcome tea, Jackie Fisher who sorted the welcome meet and greet, Michael Nye who arranged so much of the weekend himself, Sandra Thomas who arranged the last tea, and all those in between.
Our gift day saw over £1600 gifted to support the mission of our own church and also 25% to be gifted to mission projects throughout the London South East Division. We thank God for this too.
Sunday, 25 September 2011
OUR CELEBRATION MEETING focussed on the welcome of four new adherent-members, Barry Dowden, Karen Kinsella, Ruth Deevoy and Andy Richards. All four spoke of the welcome they had received in this church family, and thanks certain people for helping them on their spiritual journey. The new adherents had chosen songs to be used during the meeting, and songs today included:- Would you know why I Love Jesus?; My Jesus, My Saviour; Great is Thy Faithfulness; All that I am; O Jesus I have promised. Ruth sang her choice of song; Kneeling in Penitanence. Reflecting on Belonging, Captain Ian asked people if they were I do, or I don't people, and encouraged us to embrace all that God wanted for us and be those I do people, who do want what God wants and do not get in the way of His will and purposes. He spoke on how too much the Christian Church can be full of I don't people who stand against what God is doing, or will not do certain things, but how GOD wants to be honoured and adored. In closing moments someone came forward to make prayer at the Cross.
Thursday, 22 September 2011
THE BIRMINGHAM CITADEL SONGSTERS OF THE SALVATION ARMY will be with us for a weekend, 1st and 2nd October, and everyone is very welcome to attend. Saturday at 6pm we have a musical festival at the BRIGHTON ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH, tickets are £3 in advance or £5 at the door. Sunday we share celebration for Harvest at 10.30am, open air ministry at 12.30pm and then a final celebration at 3.30pm. A harvest meal is served at 1.15pm and a harvest tea after our afternoon meeting. Tickets for both will cost £6.
A PRAYER MEETING will be held from 1.15-4pm on Monday at our hall, and you are welcome to come and go as you wish. PLEASE do ensure that you make time to pray for this weekend and that it will have amazing results for the Kingdom.
A REMINDER that there will be a gift day during our meetings, which will financially support the mission of this church and God's wider mission in the London South East Division.
A PRAYER MEETING will be held from 1.15-4pm on Monday at our hall, and you are welcome to come and go as you wish. PLEASE do ensure that you make time to pray for this weekend and that it will have amazing results for the Kingdom.
A REMINDER that there will be a gift day during our meetings, which will financially support the mission of this church and God's wider mission in the London South East Division.
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Today, Sunday 18th September, we celebrated the Dedication to God of Emily Joy Ann Smith, by her parents Clive and Michelle. Captain Ian shared the 'ceremony' and prayed a blessing for the family. The hall was full for this special occasion, and we enjoyed a special meeting together. Songs today included:- Children of Jersulem; Hosanna; Jesus is the Name was Honour; God is still on the Throne; Father Hear the Prayer we offer; I'm in His Hands; Your Hand O God has guided. Captain Ian looked at Jeremiah 29:1-14, and we explored the importance of being in His Hands, but how at times, as with little children, we fight off the Hand which is trying to guide us and lead us through every situation of our lives.
Next Sunday we look forward to welcoming four new adherent-members in the church.
Next Sunday we look forward to welcoming four new adherent-members in the church.
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