Saturday 14 August 2010

After months of assessing our current community services programme, we are now at the stage of launching HOPE IN.....COMMUNITY SERVICES which will continue to provide our traditional food parcels on a Thursday evening, but much more too. Refreshments are being made available, with space for people to chat and meet, and a heart to help people move on from the crisis that they might well find themselves in at this time. For further information about our community services and how it works, contact our centre.
On Sunday 8th August Captain Susan led Worship, and Kate Gregory opened God's Word, looking at Spiritual Gifts and Talents. This was Kate's first sermon!!! Captain Ian was ministering at Gillingham today,
An emotional, yet celebrationary, meeting was held on the 1st August, when Tony Hockney was enrolled as a soldier of Jesus Christ in The Salvation Army. Tony testified to meeting with Jesus and knowing Jesus, and shared his experiences of Him, and how He knows that God believes in Him. Tony was supported by family members in this event. Captain Ian led the meeting, which also featured Ken Hammond sharing his testimony and Captain Sue singing 'May the words of my mouth'. Some people knelt in prayer during moments when Tony signed his covenant with God.

That evening as part of our TOGETHER series, Lieutenant Nicola shared with us a DVD called 'How Great is our God' which was a fitting conclusion to an amazing day and a celebration of who God really is.